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-What Parents Are Saying-

"You are doing a great job!! I love how active you are with the kiddos and how fun and magical your house is. Thank you for helping guide her. " -Stephanie K., parent, via text., 2020.

"Helen is so friendly and caring. She has so much experience and it shows in how much thought and detail she puts into every day. For example, in just one day, the kids did a density experiment with different liquids, a color soaking experiment with food color and napkins, made homemade popsicles with water and fresh strawberries, and had outside fun in swimsuits with water toys. And everyday is planned out that way! She also does a preschool curriculum and serves homemade, wholesome, kid-friendly food to boot. She adheres to covid policies and her house is very clean. She sends picture updates throughout the day. We couldn't ask for more and are so fortunate to have found her! My kids don't want to leave when I pick them up and are SO excited to go back to her house. And that, to me, says it all." -Nichole R., parent, via Facebook, 2020.


"I just want to take a moment to commend Helen. She has been the consummate professional, providing top-notch, compassionate care to my child and clear, direct communication to me. She consistently lets me know how my child is doing, from his eating and playing habits, to whether he wore his jacket and hat at outdoor playtime. In addition to genuinely caring about his well-being, she is wonderful about knowing my expectations for him and doing her best to make sure those are met.

But what really blew me away about Helen, happened today. We were at a different campus yesterday because of the holiday. When we got home, we couldn’t find my son’s precious bear which had joined him in daycare. He was extremely concerned we might have lost Bear for good. When we arrived at our regular daycare campus this morning, Helen informed me she already arranged for Bear to be taken to the front office of the other school, AND she promised to pick him up for us. Today, she did just that. She even took photos of Bear’s adventures in the snow and his car ride back to our regular campus in her car seat.

This type of care, concern, and professionalism really should be recognized and rewarded. I hope you will acknowledge Helen’s stellar work on our behalf." -Hala T, parent at a former workplace, 2018.

-What Kids are Saying-

 "It makes me feel happy. Some of my favorite activities are legos and art." --B, age 7


"This is the most fun place on Earth!" -C, age 6


**Laughter** --All kids stepping foot in the home

"Mom! Bring me to Kid-N-Play, I really want to go!" -your child, probably  :)

© 2020 by Kid-N-Play Childcare 

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